Telephone Answering Service

Does Your TAS Have a Blog?

By Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD

A blog is a great way to connect with people online. It also provides fresh content, which makes search engines happy. And happy search engines show your site to more people, giving you a higher position in their listings.

Author Peter Lyle DeHaan

If a blog brings more people to your site, it seems like a can’t-miss strategy. It can be, providing you can sustain it.

I began blogging in 2008. When I started, I worried that I wouldn’t have enough ideas for new posts. I quickly learned that I did. I also wondered if I had the discipline to write on a regular basis. I’ve proven I can do that as well. To date, I’ve written 1,500 posts, enough to fill several books.

Here are some tips to successful blogging. Your blog should be:

  • Integrated: Your blog should be part of your website, not separate. I recommend WordPress.
  • Focused: Have a theme to guide your content. Pick something of interest to your target audience, such as answering service, customer service, communications, human resources, technology, and so forth. If you serve a vertical market, focus your theme around that.
  • Scheduled: Determine how often you will post. The key is consistency. Once a month is a minimal frequency; once a week is better. But don’t commit to more often than you can handle.
  • Staffed: Decide who will write the posts. Pick people who like to write and have a knack for it. Don’t force department heads to each takes a turn; nothing good will come of that.

Some companies outsource some or all of their content creation to freelance writers or professional bloggers. This is an option, too, especially if you’re struggling for ideas or lack time. If you do this, pick someone with a proven record who understands your market.

Learn more in Peter Lyle DeHaan’s book, How to Start a Telephone Answering Service.

Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD, is the publisher and editor-in-chief of TAS Trader, covering the telephone answering service industry. Check out his books How to Start a Telephone Answering Service and Sticky Customer Service.

By Peter Lyle DeHaan

Author Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD, publishes books about business, customer service, the call center industry, and business and writing.